We are proud to announce the Finalist Teams for the NOAA Bonus Prize for autonomous detection and tracing of an underwater chemical or biological signal to its source.

Team leader: Dr. Venkatesh Gurappa
Location: Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Website: http://bangalorerobotics.in
About Us:
Team BangaloreRobotics is 17 years old. As an International team of students and enthusiasts from across the world, the common interest is to make the Technical world safe for human and other Life forms. The goal is to create intelligent and Autonomous Robots that can replace human presence in hazardous areas. The Team has participated in many Student Robotics competitions including International events like MATE Rover and AUVSI Robosub. We intend to Swarm the Seafloor with Intelligent AUVs as a MAP, Monitor and Maintain System to conserve the deep Sea Ecosystem.
Tech Information:
The Team is developing innovative and low-cost Underwater Swarm AUVs.

Team Leader: Danny Kim
Location: San Jose, CA, United States
Website: questforoceans.com
About Us:
Valley Christian Schools (VCS) has a long track record of taking on the most challenging endeavors in science and technology for the purposes of educating and inspiring the next generation of leaders. Partnered with the Quest Institute, VCS has the only program of its kind that provides a STEM platform allowing students around the world to create science experiments that fly aboard the International Space Station. Quest is looking to innovate again in the deep oceans arena to help foster not only new technology and techniques but make ocean exploration and education accessible to the students around the world.
Tech Information:
The team endeavors to design a marine STEM platform for students worldwide to enable project-based learning with new technology and techniques.
About Team Leader:
Danny holds a B.S. of Computer Science from Cornell University. Danny is the original architect of the Quest next generation ISS experimentation platform and continues to exercise his passion for education in the role of Director of STEM for Valley Christian Schools. He is also founder and CTO of FullArmor Corporation which for the past 30 years has provided scalable enterprise security and management solutions for the largest companies including Walmart, Boeing, Bank of America, CIA, FBI, White House, US Air Force, to name a few.
Team Members:
Micah Kim, Kavya Khare, Parker Rose, Rohan Viswanathan, Mihir Kasmalkar, Stephen Huber, Meena Rakasi, Danny Kim, Klemen Kotar, Jonah Erickson, Jeremy Elvander, Charles Chiau, Jonah Kim, Samuel Roush, Joseph Kaestner, Edgar Gabriel, Angela Kou, Sumira Naroola, Arnav Gattani, Ansel Austin

Team Leader: Edward Larson
Location: Tampa, FL, United States
Website: http://tampadeepsea.com
About Us:
The Tampa Deep-Sea X-plorers are an LLC registered in the state of Florida for the purpose of competing in the Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE. The LLC was founded by Edward Larson, an entrepreneur and private businessman who has had an active interest in deep sea autonomous vehicles for over 30 years. The Team seeks to harness the talents and resources of Central Florida's academic and business communities to design and build a viable solution to win the Competition. We are currently in the process of recruiting members for our Team. We have a need for expertise in mechanical engineering, electronics, and computer programming, but our emphasis is on learning and Team membership is open to anyone interested in learning the required skills.
Tech Information:
The team is using existing technology and side scanning sonar on multiple AUVs to fully cover the large mapping area.
Team Members:
Art Ianuzzi, Chuck Begian, David Meiller, Nung Bedell, Ben Um, Abhishek "Abbu" Shrivastava, Renier Oliva, Dexter Batista, Ian Blenke, Kemberly Cespedes, Dr. Tansel Yucelen