Apr 30 2020

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In ocean conservation, the narrative typically revolves around the importance of a healthy ocean. Even my daily work for the XPRIZE Ocean Initiative is to realize our vision of a healthy, valued and understood ocean. But as the global conversation and our daily routines have drastically shifted in the last few weeks, I’ve also been thinking about ocean health from a different perspective, how the ocean heals us. My hope is that we can see this time of crisis as a renewed call to take better care of ourselves and our planet during COVID-19 and always.


The ocean is essential to human health. It provides one of the biggest sources of hope for curing COVID-19 and any other future health crises that humanity faces. 

If you’ve ever gotten a shot or had any sort of medical procedure and lived to tell the tale, thank the prehistoric horseshoe crab (not technically a crab but still amazing). Since the 1950s, the bright blue blood of these crustaceans has been harvested for a compound that detects the presence of harmful bacteria in injectable medications, and on medical devices and instruments. In the decades following that discovery, we began a more concerted effort to canvas the seas in search of new drugs to treat all that ails us.

Coral reefs in particular hold an astounding amount of biodiversity and with that, are a ripe target for novel drugs to cure both age-old and novel diseases alike. Within coral reefs, we’ve already found compounds to help treat cardiovascular disease, arthritis, leukemia, Alzheimer’s, AIDS, and yes, even viruses. More than half of all cancer drug research is focused on marine organisms, and species that flourish in the most extreme environments of our deep-sea also hold untapped potential for the grand challenges of medical research.

Unfortunately, coral reefs and the species that rely on them are on the cusp of extinction within this decade, and nearly 90 percent of our ocean remains unmapped and unexplored. This also means the promise and possibilities are literally deep and endless. 

The Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE brought forth a suite of new technologies that will help us map our seafloor faster, allowing us to better understand and more efficiently target potential sources of novel, life-saving compounds. Coral restoration is another focus area XPRIZE has identified, and what we hope will be the next ocean XPRIZE. It aims to give us the tools to restore corals at unprecedented rates, giving these vital ecosystems a chance at surviving beyond 2030. Restoring our ocean, means a healthier ocean that can continue to provide a home for potential cures. 


The ocean is the great stabilizing force of our planet. It helps regulate temperature and climate. Before the Internet, telephones and airplanes, ocean currents were the first true pathway for connection around the globe. But, what's often overlooked is the stabilizing force the ocean can have for each of us. Recent studies show that ocean views can help reduce stress and anxiety. Surf therapy and other ocean-related activities are becoming popular treatment options for PTSD and for children with special needs due to neurological disabilities.

Our bodies are hard-wired to relax and help us find a sense of calm in the ocean. When you jump in, you actually trigger what’s called the Master Switch of Life; your heart rate slows, blood flows back to your vital organs, and your mind finds a meditative, dreamlike state. Even if we don’t have access to the ocean, we can still find ways to find solace and reduce stress by way of the ocean. Luckily, the same technology that keeps us connected to our colleagues and friends can also help connect us to the ocean. It may not be the same as a salty ocean breeze or a refreshing dip in cool water, but while we’re staying home, here are some sources to help you find solace exploring the deep sea, hanging out in a kelp forest, or watching the sunset over the Pacific

We need to protect and explore this great force that is our ocean, which is why the spirit of an XPRIZE gives me so much hope. Whether it’s restoring corals or finding a COVID-19 cure, the solutions to our grand challenges are out there. It’s up to us to feel empowered to bring innovation to meet those challenges. So, with this newfound perspective, I feel more optimistic than ever about championing a healthy, valued, and understood ocean. Because for all of us on this planet, a healthy ocean might just hold the key to our health.