XPRIZE Feed The Next Billion is our $15M competition that will incentivize teams to produce chicken breast or fish fillet alternatives that replicate or outperform conventional chicken and fish. Taste and texture are important, but environmental sustainability, animal welfare, and nutrition are vital.
This competition will help to satisfy the growing population’s demand for alternative protein foods while radically reducing the impact of meat production on the climate – and we’re calling you to enter.
Team registrations for the competition are now open. Anyone from anywhere can enter, and solutions that range from cultivated, plant-based and other approaches to meat alternatives will be considered. The winning team must develop multiple consistent cuts of chicken breast or fish fillet alternatives 85-115g (3-4 oz) and our judges will assess them based on the sensory properties, structure, preparation and cookability, versatility, and nutritional profile of conventional chicken or fish, as well as their comparable environmental footprint.
The Competition Guidelines provide high-level requirements for XPRIZE Feed the Next Billion, including the competition timeline and testing criteria. We made our Competition Guidelines 1.0 available for public comment from December 7, 2020 until January 15, 2021. The updated Competition Guidelines were released on February 4, 2021.
You can download the updated Competition Guidelines 2.0 here
Any additional feedback regarding the Competition Guidelines is appreciated and can be sent to [email protected].
Register today for XPRIZE Feed the Next Billion at xprize.org/feed.
Oh, and good luck!