XPRIZE Rainforest Guidelines

The Rules and Regulations provide prize-specific information surrounding the Grand Challenge, the solutions to be developed, competition timeline,  details on testing protocols, specific rules, dates/times, and other details that will govern the competition and will be binding on teams. These Rules and Regulations supersede the Competition Guidelines originally published November 19, 2019, and updated on June 12, 2020.


XPRIZE believes that solutions can come from anyone, anywhere. Scientists, engineers, academics, entrepreneurs, and other innovators with new ideas from all over the world are invited to form or join a team and register to compete.

Note: The competition is void in those countries where prohibited or restricted by law. XPRIZE reserves the right to limit, or restrict upon notice, participation in the competition to any person or entity at any time for any reason. Teams may withdraw as set forth in the Competitor Agreement, which will be available upon registration.


Teams will be responsible for funding their own technology development and any travel costs but are encouraged to find sponsors or investment funding.


All registered teams must submit a detailed competition plan - “The Qualifying Submission” – detailing their approach and proposed technologies. From these, the Judging Panel will select up to 50 qualified teams. Teams will then be required to submit a Semifinal Submission, which will likely entail a written and video demonstration of the team's Solution. From these, the Judging Panel will select up to 25 teams to enter the Semifinals Testing Round where they will demonstrate that their autonomous Solution can operate in a tropical rainforest and detect biodiversity to split a $250,000 milestone prize purse. Up to 10 teams will be selected by the Judging Panel from this event to continue on to the Finals Round and will split a $2 million purse prize. A Grand Prize of $7.5 million will be awarded to the three teams whose Solutions receive the highest scores for assessing biodiversity and for the greatest number and impact of Insights discovered at the Finals.


To ensure that the competition is fair to competing teams, XPRIZE will appoint the following two panels:


XPRIZE will recruit an Advisory Board composed of experts. XPRIZE will seek to ensure the expertise of the Advisory Board is diverse enough to understand and advise on a variety of approaches. This board will remain in place throughout the competition to advise XPRIZE regarding the competition


XPRIZE will recruit a highly qualified Judging Panel. XPRIZE will seek to ensure the expertise of the Judging Panel is diverse enough to fairly evaluate the various technologies and approaches that teams may develop during the competition. The Judging Panel will convene to collaborate, review guidelines, ask questions, and ensure that they are fully able to judge the competition in a fair and appropriate manner.


  • XPRIZE Rainforest Sell Sheet (PDF): This document contains a brief 3 page sell sheet with important information on the competition including key dates and prize purse information
  • Competitor Agreement (PDF): Legally binding contract that contains the requirements of the competition. This document represents the final version of the XPRIZE Rainforest Competitor Agreement which all team leaders are required to sign by March 15, 2021. It is important for your team leader to thoroughly review this document before signing. Your team should use the PDF version linked below as REFERENCE ONLY. All signed Competitor Agreements must be submitted through POP.
  • Rules and Regulations V2.0 (PDF): Document detailing the testing protocols, specific rules, dates/times, and other details that will govern the competition and will be binding on teams. These Rules and Regulations supersede all previous versions of the rules and regulations as well as the Competition Guidelines originally published November 19, 2019, and updated June 12, 2020.